Dr Sean Cheng
MBBS (UQ), BE (Hons 1 UQ), MMed (USyd), FRANZCO
Dr Sean Cheng
Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Dr Sean Cheng is the Principal Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon at Queensland Eye & Retina Specialists, specialising in medical and surgical diseases of the retina - such as retinal detachment, macular hole, epiretinal membrane, retinal vascular disease, complex cataracts and diabetic eye disease. He also provides a comprehensive eye care service - including cataracts, general ophthalmology and ocular trauma.
Dr Cheng grew up and was educated in Brisbane, Queensland. He was awarded First Class Honours in Engineering prior to commencing medical training at the University of Queensland.
Dr Cheng completed specialist ophthalmology training in Queensland. He subsequently undertook two more years of cornea, cataract, oculoplastics and general ophthalmology training as the Senior Registrar at Princess Alexandra Hospital and Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital.
Furthermore, Dr Cheng was awarded the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) Topham Scholarship. He travelled to the United Kingdom to complete two additional years of surgical sub-specialisation through a Vitreoretinal Fellowship under the auspices of Professor Andrew Dick and Dr Richard Haynes at the prestigious Bristol Eye Hospital and West of England Eye Unit at Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
Dr Cheng currently works as a Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon at both Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital and Princess Alexandra Hospital with Queensland Health. He is a Senior Lecturer with the University of Queensland School of Medicine and is dedicated to training the next generation of doctors, eye surgeons and ophthalmic allied health professionals in Queensland.

Fellowships and Qualifications
MBBS (UQ), BE (Hons 1 UQ), MMed (USyd), FRANZCO
Vitreoretinal fellowship (Bristol Eye Hospital UK)
Fellow of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology (RANZCO)
Member of the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS)
Member of the Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO)
Member of the Australian Medical Association (AMA)